Open Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health Submit Manuscript

    Perrotta Autism Spectrum Disorders Questionnaire for infants and young adolescents (PASD-Qy)

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ojpch.000043

    Published On: November 10, 2022 | Pages: 031 - 033

    Author(s): Giulio Perrotta*

    ORCID Logo  0000-0003-0229-5562

    Building on the concept of “Autism Spectrum Disorder”, as framed in the DSM-V, and taking up studies on the new etiological theory (PETA) focusing on the developmental model of the neurobiological matrix (PEMA) and related questionnaire (PTAS-Qa), in this research a new questionnaire is proposed that can focus on the presence or absence of 4 functional areas (interact ... CrossMark Publons Harvard Library HOLLIS Search IT Semantic Scholar Get Citation Base Search Scilit OAI-PMH ResearchGate Academic Microsoft GrowKudos Universite de Paris UW Libraries SJSU King Library SJSU King Library NUS Library McGill DET KGL BIBLiOTEK JCU Discovery Universidad De Lima WorldCat VU on WorldCat
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    Intrapulmonary percussive ventilation for children with bronchiolitis on non-Invasive Ventilation support

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ojpch.000042

    Published On: November 01, 2022 | Pages: 025 - 030

    Author(s): Yuval Cavari*, Tal Levy Shlomo, Eitan Neeman, Ben Taragin, Michal Leder, Shaked Yarza and Isaac Lazar

    ORCID Logo  0000-0003-0836-7694

    Objective: Pediatric Intensive Care (PICU) admission of children with bronchiolitis as well as the use of Non-Invasive Ventilation (NIV) are increasing. The current treatment for bronchiolitis is supportive, and there are no specific studies addressing this group of severe bronchiolitis patients supported with NIV. Intrapulmonary Percussive Ventilation (IPV) is a lung ... CrossMark Publons Harvard Library HOLLIS Search IT Semantic Scholar Get Citation Base Search Scilit OAI-PMH ResearchGate Academic Microsoft GrowKudos Universite de Paris UW Libraries SJSU King Library SJSU King Library NUS Library McGill DET KGL BIBLiOTEK JCU Discovery Universidad De Lima WorldCat VU on WorldCat
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    New Evolutionary Model on “Autistic Spectrum Disorder” (PEMA), the severity scale (PASS), and the clinical questionnaire for the late teenage years and adults (PTAS-Qa)

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ojpch.000041

    Published On: October 20, 2022 | Pages: 019 - 024

    Author(s): Giulio Perrotta*

    ORCID Logo  0000-0003-0229-5562

    Starting from the concept of “Autism Spectrum Disorder”, as framed in the DSM-V, the present research proposes a new etiological theory (PETA) focused on the evolutionary model of the neurobiological matrix, overcoming the modest or inconsistent psychodynamic or conspiracy theses present in the international scene. Based on this assumption, therefore, a new study mode ... CrossMark Publons Harvard Library HOLLIS Search IT Semantic Scholar Get Citation Base Search Scilit OAI-PMH ResearchGate Academic Microsoft GrowKudos Universite de Paris UW Libraries SJSU King Library SJSU King Library NUS Library McGill DET KGL BIBLiOTEK JCU Discovery Universidad De Lima WorldCat VU on WorldCat
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    Designing a Tele-pediatric System based on the internet

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ojpch.000040

    Published On: October 04, 2022 | Pages: 009 - 018

    Author(s): Nourelhuda Ali Yousif Mohamed* and Mohammed Yaqoob Ismail

    ORCID Logo  0000-0002-5347-0394

    The outgrowth and quick development in telecommunication technologies have opened new opportunities for diagnosing many diseases, which are life-threatening, for patients who are in rural areas and districts far away from the city, and where there are no specialists. Critical and life-threatening diseases, in which the patient cannot wait until going to a central hosp ... CrossMark Publons Harvard Library HOLLIS Search IT Semantic Scholar Get Citation Base Search Scilit OAI-PMH ResearchGate Academic Microsoft GrowKudos Universite de Paris UW Libraries SJSU King Library SJSU King Library NUS Library McGill DET KGL BIBLiOTEK JCU Discovery Universidad De Lima WorldCat VU on WorldCat
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    Validation of the Dysgraphia Disability Scale (DDS); An assessment tool for writing difficulty

    DOI Logo 10.17352/ojpch.000039

    Published On: March 24, 2022 | Pages: 001 - 008

    Author(s): Nirvana Gamal El-Deen Hafez* and Dina Khaled
    Dysgraphia is defined as the difficulty in the production of written language. This study was carried out on 50 subjects aged 6-12 years who suffered from writing disabilities. This methodological study was designed to measure the possible breakdown mechanisms causing dysgraphia. A scale was created to cover most of the weak points in dysgraphia especially the fine mo ... CrossMark Publons Harvard Library HOLLIS Search IT Semantic Scholar Get Citation Base Search Scilit OAI-PMH ResearchGate Academic Microsoft GrowKudos Universite de Paris UW Libraries SJSU King Library SJSU King Library NUS Library McGill DET KGL BIBLiOTEK JCU Discovery Universidad De Lima WorldCat VU on WorldCat
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