Journal of HIV for Clinical and Scientific Research Submit Manuscript
    Research Article

    Prevalence and pattern of psychological disorders among key populations living with HIV/AIDS: findings from ECEWS supported global fund IMPACT project OSS centers in Southern Nigeria

    DOI Logo 10.17352/2455-3786.000034

    Published On: December 29, 2022 | Pages: 010 - 014

    Author(s): Okezie Onyedinachi*, Raphael Aguanunu, Grace Jimbo, Esther Essien, Andy Eyo, Rebecca Badejo, Ngozi Okeke, George Odutuga and Olufemi Oke
    Abstract View Full Article View
    Review Article

    Breastfeeding and women living with HIV: Is it possible to move beyond the avoidance?

    DOI Logo 10.17352/2455-3786.000033

    Published On: September 02, 2022 | Pages: 005 - 009

    Author(s): Annunziata Carlea*, Laura Letizia Mazzarelli, Laura Sarno, Caterina Fulgione, Dalila Mantelli and Maurizio Guida
    Abstract View Full Article View
    Case Report

    Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, more than an encephalopathy

    DOI Logo 10.17352/2455-3786.000032

    Published On: May 24, 2022 | Pages: 001 - 004

    Author(s): David Sáez M*, Nadia Valdés R, Cristian Fernández M and Rocío Pacheco E
    Abstract View Full Article View    

