
    Open Access Letter to Editor Article ID: GJIDCR-7-147

    Social media: An opportunity to reduce hookah smoke during an outbreak of COVID-19

    Saeed Bashirian and Elahe Ezati*

    The tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health warnings in the world, and 8 million people die every year due to smoking, of which 7 million die due to direct smoking and 2.1 million due to exposure to secondhand smoke [1]. Hookah is a common and traditional way of smoking, which unfortunately has now become a fun and entertaining method, especially among teenagers, in today›s societies, especially in the Middle East. Smoking hookah at an early age and increasing its popularity among adolescents is a concern and an alarm [2].


    Published on: Sep 21, 2021 Pages: 56-57

    Full Text PDF Full Text HTML DOI: 10.17352/2455-5363.000047
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