Trichinellosis is an important food borne parasitic zoonosis caused by nematodes in the world. From 1967 to 2013, six outbreaks of trichinellosis have been documented in four mountainous provinces of North Vietnam. This study aims to estimate the magnitude of association of individual factors with current human Trichinellosis in endemic areas. Baseline cross-sectional data collected between May 2015 and June 2016 from a large community randomized-control trial were used. We interviewed a total of 4,362 individuals who provided serum samples to assess ELISA assay to detect anti-Trichinella immunoglobulin G. The association between individual factors and the prevalence of current infection with Trichinellosis was analysis by Stata 12.0. The results obtained suggest that increasing age, being male and consuming pork as well as a larger proportion of roaming pigs, are at higher risk of infection. Furthermore, consuming pork at another village market had the highest increased prevalence odds of current infection. A survey of trichinellosis seroprevalence in these fi ve districts showed the disease to be associated with consuming raw pork (OR=2.84, p<0.05). Seroprevalence was estimated with 95% confi dence and was in the range 0%-10.5%. For control of trichinellosis to be improved, the factors identifi ed as infl uencing its maintenance in the study areas must be communicated to the local administrative organizations and veterinary and public health offices.
Keywords: Human trichinellosis; Mountainous regions; ELISA; Interview
Published on: Jul 11, 2017 Pages: 9-14
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DOI: 10.17352/2455-5363.000012
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