
    Open Access Research Article Article ID: AGGR-8-134

    Social representations of elderly people about living with HIV/AIDS

    Luciana Araújo dos Reis*, Alessandra Souza de Oliveira, Luana Araújo dos Reis*, Arianna Oliveira Santana Lopes, Elaine dos Santos Santana, Isnara Teixeira de Brito and Shahjahan Mozart Alexandre da Silva Nery

    Objective: This study aims to understand the social representations of elderly people about living with HIV/AIDS. 

    Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, descriptive-analytical, with a qualitative approach and theoretical and methodological support from the Collective Memory Theory and the Social Representations Theory. Conducted with 38 elderly people. It used a questionnaire with sociodemographic data, health conditions, and a script for a semi-structured interview. The data analysis with the support of the QRS NVivo® Software and in the light of Bardin’s Content Analysis.

    Results: The social representations of elderly persons, about living with HIV were: ruptures, living with treatment and coping with prejudice and the struggle for (over)living: the fear of dying and the spread of the diagnosis. 

    Conclusion: Social representations of the elderly about living with HIV/AIDS are about living with drug treatment, with the disruptions in their lives, health care, self-care, and pain of social arising from prejudice.


    Published on: Oct 7, 2023 Pages: 15-21

    Full Text PDF Full Text HTML DOI: 10.17352/aggr.000034
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